User Manager/QA/How to make HotSpot and User Manager on the same router

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First make sure that router has enough hardware resources to manage User Manager and HotSpot on the same router. User manager requirements.

To accomplish HotSpot and User Manager on the same router scenario, we need to add the following configuration:

HotSpot configuration

 / radius add service=hotspot address= secret=123456

We add radius client to consult User Manager server for appropriate service. 'address=' points RADIUS client to use local router as RADIUS server, 'secret' is shared secret to exchange information between RADIUS server and client.

 / ip hotspot profile set hsprof1 use-radius=yes

To use RADIUS for HotSpot AAA.

User Manager configuration

/ tool user-manager customer add login="CableFree" password="qwerty" permissions=owner
  • Then add router information to the User Manager configuration,
/ tool user-manager router add subscriber=CableFree ip-address= shared-secret=123456

'ip-address' is the address of the RADIUS client router.

Note, 'shared-secret' should match on User Manager and RADIUS client.