Manual:Support Output File
What is a supout.rif file?
'The support file is used for debugging CableFree RadioOS and to solve the support questions faster. All CableFree Router information is saved in a binary file, which is stored on the router and can be downloaded from the router using ftp.'
You can share this file with the CableFree support team to examine any configuration issues or problems.
This file contains all your routers configuration, logs and some other details that will help the CableFree Support to solve your issue.
To generate this file, you must type:
/system sup-output
In command line, or use winbox:
You can also use the terminal in Winbox:
To save the file direcly from Winbox, simply drag the file to your desktop:
Of course, it is also possible to download the file with FTP/SFTP or to automate this process with scripting, and have the file emailed to you.
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