RadioOS is capable of logging various system events and status information. Logs can be saved in routers memory (RAM), disk, file, sent by email or even sent to remote syslog server (RFC 3164).
Log messages
Sub-menu level: /log
All messages stored in routers local memory can be printed from /log
menu. Each entry contains time and date when event occurred, topics that this message belongs to and message itself.
[admin@CableFree] /log> print jan/02/1970 02:00:09 system,info router rebooted sep/15 09:54:33 system,info,account user admin logged in from via winbox sep/15 12:33:18 system,info item added by admin sep/15 12:34:26 system,info mangle rule added by admin sep/15 12:34:29 system,info mangle rule moved by admin sep/15 12:35:34 system,info mangle rule changed by admin sep/15 12:42:14 system,info,account user admin logged in from via telnet sep/15 12:42:55 system,info,account user admin logged out from via telnet 01:01:58 firewall,info input: in:ether1 out:(none), src-mac 00:21:29:6d:82:07, proto UDP,>, len 452
If logs are printed at the same date when log entry was added, then only time will be shown. In example above you can see that second message was added on sep/15 current year (year is not added) and the last message was added today so only the time is displayed.
Note: print command accepts several parameters that allows to detect new log entries, print only necessary messages and so on. For more information about parameters refer to scripting manual
For example following command will print all log messages where one of the topics is info and will detect new log entries until Ctrl+C is pressed
[admin@CableFree] /log > print follow where topics~".info" 12:52:24 script,info hello from script -- Ctrl-C to quit.
If print is in follow mode you can hit 'space' on keyboard to insert separator:
[admin@CableFree] /log > print follow where topics~".info" 12:52:24 script,info hello from script = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -- Ctrl-C to quit.
Logging configuration
Sub-menu level: /system logging
Property | Description |
action (name; Default: memory) | specifies one of the system default actions or user specified action listed in actions menu |
prefix (string; Default: ) | prefix added at the beginning of log messages |
topics (account, async, backup, bgp, calc, critical, ddns, debug, dhcp, e-mail, error, event, firewall, gsm, hotspot, igmp-proxy, info, ipsec, iscsi, isdn, l2tp, ldp, manager, mme, mpls, ntp, ospf, ovpn, packet, pim, ppp, pppoe, pptp, radius, radvd, raw, read, rip, route, rsvp, script, sertcp, state, store, system, telephony, tftp, timer, ups, warning, watchdog, web-proxy, wireless, write; Default: info) | log all messages that falls into specified topic or list of topics. '!' character can be used before topic to exclude messages falling under this topic. For example, we want to log NTP debug info without too much details: /system logging add topics=ntp,debug,!packet |
Sub-menu level: /system logging action
Property | Description |
bsd-syslog (yes|no; Default: ) | whether to use bsd-syslog as defined in RFC 3164 |
disk-file-count (integer [1..65535]; Default: 2) | specifies number of files used to store log messages, applicable only if action=disk |
disk-file-name (string; Default: log) | name of the file used to store log messages, applicable only if action=disk |
disk-lines-per-file (integer [1..65535]; Default: 100) | specifies maximum size of file in lines, applicable only if action=disk |
disk-stop-on-full (yes|no; Default: no) | whether to stop to save log messages to disk after the specified disk-lines-per-file and disk-file-count number is reached, applicable only if action=disk |
email-to (string; Default: ) | email address where logs are sent, applicable only if action=email |
memory-lines (integer [1..65535]; Default: 100) | number of records in local memory buffer, applicable only if action=memory |
memory-stop-on-full (yes|no; Default: no) | whether to stop to save log messages in local buffer after the specified memory-lines number is reached |
name (string; Default: ) | name of an action |
remember (yes|no; Default: ) | whether to keep log messages, which have not yet been displayed in console, applicable if action=echo |
remote (IP/IPv6 Address[:Port]; Default: | remote logging server's IP/IPv6 address and UDP port, applicable if action=remote |
src-address (IP address; Default: | source address used when sending packets to remote server |
syslog-facility (auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7, lpr, mail, news, ntp, syslog, user, uucp; Default: daemon) | |
syslog-severity (alert, auto, critical, debug, emergency, error, info, notice, warning; Default: auto) | Severity level indicator defined in RFC 3164:
target (disk, echo, email, memory, remote; Default: memory) | storage facility or target of log messages
Each log entry have topic which describes the origin of log message. There can be more than one topic assigned to log message. For example, OSPF debug logs have four different topics: route, ospf, debug and raw.
11:11:43 route,ospf,debug SEND: Hello Packet -> on lo0 11:11:43 route,ospf,debug,raw PACKET: 11:11:43 route,ospf,debug,raw 02 01 00 2C 0A FF FF 03 00 00 00 00 E7 9B 00 00 11:11:43 route,ospf,debug,raw 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 0A 02 01 11:11:43 route,ospf,debug,raw 00 00 00 28 0A FF FF 01 00 00 00 00
List of Facility independent topics
Topic | Description |
critical | Log entries marked as critical, these log entries are printed to console each time you log in. |
debug | Debug log entries |
error | Error messages |
info | Informative log entry |
packet | Log entry that shows contents from received/sent packet |
raw | Log entry that shows raw contents of received/sent packet |
warning | Warning message. |
Topics used by various RadioOS facilities
Topic | Description |
account | Log messages generated by accounting facility. |
async | Log messages generated by asynchronous devices |
backup | Log messages generated by backup creation facility. |
bfd | Log messages generated by Manual:Routing/BFD protocol |
bgp | Log messages generated by Manual:Routing/BGP protocol |
calc | Routing calculation log messages. |
ddns | Log messages generated by Manual:Tools/Dynamic DNS tool |
dhcp | DHCP client, server and relay log messages |
Messages generated by Manual:Tools/email tool. | |
event | Log message generated at routing event. For example, new route have been installed in routing table. |
firewall | Firewall log messages generated when action=log is set in firewall rule |
gsm | Log messages generated by GSM devices |
hotspot | Hotspot related log entries |
igmp-proxy | IGMP Proxy related log entries |
ipsec | IpSec log entries |
iscsi | |
isdn | |
l2tp | Log entries generated by Manual:Interface/L2TP client and server |
ldp | Manual:MPLS/LDP protocol related messages |
manager | Manual:User Manager log messages. |
mme | MME routing protocol messages |
mpls | MPLS messages |
ntp | sNTP client generated log entries |
ospf | Manual:Routing/OSPF routing protocol messages |
ovpn | OpenVPN tunnel messages |
pim | Multicast PIM-SM related messages |
ppp | ppp facility messages |
pppoe | PPPoE server/client related messages |
pptp | PPTP server/client related messages |
radius | Log entries generated by Manual:RADIUS Client |
radvd | IPv6 radv deamon log messages. |
read | SMS tool messages |
rip | RIP routing protocol messages |
route | Routing facility log entries |
rsvp | Resource Reservation Protocol generated messages. |
script | Log entries generated from scripts |
sertcp | Log messages related to facility responsible for "/ports remote-access" |
simulator | |
state | Manual:IP/DHCP Client and routing state messages. |
store | Log entries generated by Manual:Store facility |
system | Generic system messages |
telephony | |
tftp | Manual:IP/TFTP server generated messages |
timer | Log messages that are related to timers used in RadioOS. For example bgp keepalive logs
12:41:40 route,bgp,debug,timer KeepaliveTimer expired 12:41:40 route,bgp,debug,timer RemoteAddress=2001:470:1f09:131::1 |
ups | Messages generated by UPS monitoring tool |
watchdog | Manual:System/Watchdog generated log entries |
web-proxy | Log messages generated by web proxy |
wireless | Manual:Interface/Wireless log entries. |
write | SMS tool messages. |
Logging to file
To log everything to file, add new log action:
/system logging action add name=file target=disk disk-file-name=log
and then make everything log using this new action:
/system logging action=file
You can log only errors there by issuing command:
/system logging topics=error action=file
This will log into files log.0.txt and log.1.txt.
You can specify maximum size of file in lines by specifying disk-lines-per-file. <file>.0.txt is active file were new logs are going to be appended and once it size will reach maximum it will become <file>.1.txt, and new empty <file>.0.txt will be created.
You can log into USB flashes or into MicroSD/CF (on CableFree devices) by specifying it's directory name before file name. For example, if you have accessible usb flash as usb1 directory under /files, you should issue following command:
/system logging action add name=usb target=disk disk-file-name=usb1/log