Products: Microwave Radio Links

CableFree Licensed Microwave Links offer long distance, high capacity and dedicated bandwidth.
The CableFree range of Microwave links include Full Outdoor (FOR3, Diamond), Full Indoor (LHR), Split Mount (HCR, LCR, MMR) and Broadcast (ASI) links to meet varied customer requirements for metro scale and national scale microwave networks. CableFree Microwave links are are available in licensed bands (4-42GHz) as well as unlicensed 5, 17, 24GHz.
CableFree High Performance Licensed Microwave Radios offer up to 440 Mbps and 880 Mbps Full Duplex payload (1.6Gbps aggregate capacity) and higher up to 3Gbps or more, with a software-selectable mix of SDH, PDH and IP/Ethernet traffic in 4-42GHz licensed frequency bands. Using suitable antennas and sites, ultra-long-distance links exceeding 100km can be achieved.

Microwave System Overview:
- High performance Software-Defined Radio Links
- Compact, flexible split Indoor/Outdoor and All-Outdoor configurations
- Spectrally efficient, software-defined Radio modem
- Powerful Forward Error Correction (FEC)
- Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) and Transmit Power Control (TPC)
- Single-ODU capacity of 1Gbps, Dual ODU 2Gbps Full Duplex
- Flexible mix of SDH, PDH and IP/Ethernet payload
- Gigabit Ethernet networks can be connected with over 1Gbps payload
- ODU options cover all common bands from 4-42GHz
- Range over 100km possible depending on frequency and location
- 1+0, 1+1, 2+0, 4+0, N+0, Ring Star and Mesh configurations
- Choice of antenna options from 30cm up to 3m or more
- Fully manageable using HTTP, CLI, Telnet, SNMP interfaces
- Ruggedised telecom-grade solution
CableFree Licensed Radio links come in several versions with Full-Outdoor, Modular and Low Cost platforms to suit all network needs.
All CableFree Wireless solutions are ruggedised and proven in harsh climates with references worldwide.
CableFree Microwave Links are used in 4G/LTE and 3G Cellular Networks, Telecoms, Internet Service Provider (ISP, WISP), Government, Corporate and CCTV network applications
CableFree Product Range
CableFree Full-Outdoor Radio
PDF Datasheet FOR3: 5-24GHz Full Outdoor Radio with additional carrier-related features, including Licensed and Unlicensed Frequency Bands and supporting 1024QAM Modulation
CableFree Diamond Dual Core XPIC Radio
PDF Datasheet CableFree Diamond: 17-26GHz Full Outdoor Radio with XPIC, 2048QAM and advanced features
CableFree High Capacity Radio
HCR: 4-42GHz Advanced Split-Mount Radio with 1024QAM and XPIC
PDF Datasheet HCR: 4-42GHz Split-Mount Radio
New Product Release with 1024QAM and XPIC integrated dual modems
CableFree Modular Microwave Radio
PDF Datasheet MMR: 4-42GHz Split-Mount Radio
CableFree Low Cost Radio
PDF Datasheet LCR: 4-42GHz Split-Mount Radio
CableFree Long Haul Radio
Please Contact Us New Product Release!
CableFree Broadcast ASI Radio
PDF Datasheet New Product Release!
CableFree Microwave Antennas from 4 to 42GHz
A Full Range of Antennas available for Point to Point Links
PDF Datasheet
Accessories for CableFree Radios
Please use Surge Suppression when installing CableFree Radios where appropriate. Both Ethernet (POE) and RF (0-6GHz, with DC passthrough) Surge Arresters are available for various different types of installations. Always ensure safety of personnel as well as equipment when installing CableFree Wireless solutions. If in doubt, consult a qualified electrician.
CableFree Microwave Installations
CableFree Microwave Links have been installed in many countries around the world. Some examples here:
Request More Information
For further information on the range of CableFree wireless networking products:
Please Contact Us
Technology Overview
We have many white papers and pages on Radio Technology to guide and assist users. Some of the most popular ones are listed here:
- Introduction to Microwave Links
- Explaining QAM Modulation
- Automatic Coding and Modulation (ACM) Technology
- Diversity in Microwave Links
- Cross Polar Interference Cancellation (XPIC) Technology
- Microwave Frequency Bands
- Rain Fade on Microwave Links
For Further Information
For further information on the range of CableFree wireless networking products:
Please Contact Us
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