Interested in 5G FWA ?
CableFree CEO Stephen Patrick joined Cradlepoint (Ericsson Enterprise), Verizon Business and Wireless Watch for this interesting webinar on 5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)
This interesting webinar was hosted by Rethink Technology Research. You can see it online here:

A big thanks to Roz Hilton and Rethink Technology Research for hosting this session.
In-depth discussion with Stephen Patrick, Justin Blair of Cradlepoint (Ericsson Enterprise), Dawane Young of Verizon Business and Alex Davies of Rethink Research.

About CableFree: Wireless Excellence:
CableFree: Wireless Excellence is the UK’s leading designer and manufacturer of 5G Base Stations, and amongst the top three 5G radio manufacturers based in Europe. CableFree offers a complete range of Wireless Communication products including advanced 4G & 5G LTE Macro & Small Cell Base Stations for ultra high performance & flexibility. The company also offers Microwave, Millimeter Wave, Free Space Optics and MIMO Radio backhaul solutions. Based in Oxford, UK, CableFree is deployed in over 90 countries since 1996 with customers including Mobile Operators, Internet Service Providers, Government Networks, Industrial and Corporate connectivity applications.

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